

The nonprofit organization “New Development Technologies” (NDT) was founded by the Russian non-commercial organization “New Eurasia Foundation” to ensure more effective implementation of social development projects in the Russian regions, to support the provision of services facilitating the training and retraining of education, science, and innovation workforce, and to evaluate, monitor and provide advisory services in the fields of science, education, municipal government, development of small and medium-sized businesses, and social development.


New Development Technologies helps improve the standard of living of Russian citizens by implementing social, scientific, philanthropic, and cultural programs designed to facilitate effective socio-economic development at the regional and local levels, and by consolidating the efforts and resources of the state, society, and business while taking advantage of the most successful Russian and international experiences and innovative technologies.


  • Design, implementation and support of initiatives, projects and programs that aim to facilitate ongoing advancement of Russian education and science, as well as social and territorial development in accordance with national priorities.

  • Design of proposals and recommendations that aim to address relevant issues in education and social and territorial development.

  • Organization of internships, short-term qualifications improvement programs, study tours, conferences and seminars on various issues pertaining to the development of education, science, social sphere, and territorial and innovation development hosted by some of the world’s leading education centers.



  • Design, implementation and support of comprehensive regional and municipal socio-economic development programs.

  • Support in modernization of regional systems of general education, as well as secondary and higher professional education.

  • Support in modernization of administration systems of institutions of higher learning.

  • Development of technology transfer systems at the level of regions and institutions of higher learning.

  • Development of international activities of Russian institutions of higher learning.

  • Organization of international expertise of education and science projects of various degrees of complexity.

  • Development of regional innovation infrastructures.

  • Development of youth initiatives support systems.

  • Development and support of local community initiatives in various spheres, including social entrepreneurship and housing education.

  • Development and support of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian regions and municipalities.

  • Support in harmonization of migration processes.

  • Development of conflict prevention systems at regional and local levels.

The staff of the nonprofit organization “New Development Technologies” are experienced in implementation of social projects and programs, as well as organization of training and education programs. In addition, the ANO NDT specialists have access to resources required for international expertise of education and science projects and dispose of advanced project implementation and management techniques in the fields of education and social and territorial development. The organization’s principal assets include a proprietary database of more than 8,000 international experts from 42 countries, effective techniques and formats, as well as a broad spectrum of partners for the development of international cooperation, as well as advanced social innovation, social marketing and communication tools.